Herbs, climber, subshrub or trees, stems erect, prostate or twining, usually with swollen nodes. Leaves simple, alternate or spiral, entire; stipules usually united as a membranous sheath or ocrea. Inflorescence with a partial racemose or fasicled, spicate and capitate paniculate or solitary fasicle, determinate or indeterminate, bisexual rarely unisexual. Flowers usually in an ocreola, tepal united at base, 3–6 merous, often enlarging and becoming membranous in fruit. Stamens (5–) 6–8 (–9), in a single or two whorls, filaments base united at tepal, glandular nectaries (5–) 6–8 (–9), anthers dorsifixed. Ovary superior, unilocular; styles 2–3; ovule basal. Fruit lenticular, triangular, circular or ovate; seed with straight or curved embryo.
Polygonaceae comprising 43 genera and 1,100 species and occupying a wide range of habitats.
Eleven genera and 33 species with 38 taxa of Polygonaceae are recognised in Thailand. Several species are cultivated as ornamental, vegetable and medicinal plants in the country and they have been noted. Some of these cultivated species will naturalise in the country.
The morphological terminology is generally in accordance with the vocabulary of Stern (1989) while terms relating to inflorescences and floral features follow Stanford (1925), Steward (1930) and Decraene & Smets (1991).
source [1]
- , Systematics of Polygonaceae in Thailand. Graduate School Khon Kaen University, 2008.