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Polygonum plebeium
Prostrate annual herb, 10–20 cm tall, stem and branchlets terete with longitudinal ridges. Leaves sessile or subsessile; lamina 10–24 (–33) by (1.5-) 1.8–3.4 (–4) mm, narrowly elliptic or oblong, often spatulate, with white scales, base attenuate, apex acute, margin entire; secondary veins inconspicuous. Ocreae lacerate, 2–3.2 (–3.5) mm long, hyaline, completely enclosed rachis, with conspicuous venations, with 3–4 veins, glabrous, incised apex with 13–19 (–22) incisions, 0.5–2.5 mm long. Inflorescence (2–) 2.5–3.5 mm long, erect, axillary. Flowers fasicled, with (3–) 4–5 flowers; pedicels (1–) 1.5–2 mm long, glabrous; bracteoles 1–1.5 mm long, hyaline, glabrous, incised margin; ocreolae absent. Tepals 5, pink; lobes 1.5–1.8 by 0.4–0.5 mm, oblong, apex acute or mucronate, without glandular dot, veins inconspicuous, middle lobe with a green longitudinal line, squamulose; tube 0.5–0.7 mm long, glandular nectarines 5–6. Stamens in a single whorl, 0.6–1 mm long; anthers pink or white, circular or oblong. Style 1, deeply 3-clefted, 0.1–0.2 mm long; stigma clavate, white, ovary trigonous. Fruits with scarious perianth, 1.3–1.6 by 0.8–1.2 mm, shiny black.